Easy and Affordable Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business
If you own a small business, it is essential that you work with a tight marketing budget. Running a business in the first place requires a considerable amount of cash. It seems like all your capital is always directed towards this venture. And when it comes to advertising and marketing, you empty your pockets for spare change.
However, there are easy and affordable marketing ideas that you could use for your small business. They are low-priced and if right, can give you a decent return on investment.
Social Media is King
Some people use social media to make new buddies and catch up on the latest gossip. You can use it to build and promote your business. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn are all free to join. So leverage on the massive traffic that these social platforms generate and use to your benefit. Create a company page on all the social media platforms. Give people incentives to follow your page. Ensure that you update your content daily. It should be fun, informative and interactive.
Cross Promote
Find out businesses that complement yours and partner with them. For example, if you run a haulage company, you can partner with a real estate firm. When people buy a new house they would be looking for someone to help them move their stuff. And if you are in the same reach of the real estate agent that helped them out, what are your chances? If you do not have a website, you can drop flyers at the front desk of the complimentary business.
Ad Space in the School Paper
You cannot afford to buy space in a national newspaper, from a marketing stand point it does not make any sense. However, if your product or service is age attractive or friendly, you can liaise with local schools and residential communities in the area and see if they have ad space for sale in the school paper.
Sponsor Something Local
It is important that you try to generate a level of goodwill within your community. The best way for you to do this is to sponsor something local. You can partner with a credible charity organization or sponsor a school's local sports team. Ensure that you have your name printed on their sportswear. You can do these things or anything else that highlights your company and pushes it into the mind's eye of prospective customers or clients.
Press Release
You can issue a press release about the local happenings or events in your area. It can be weekly, bi-weekly or quarterly. It does not have to be anything elaborate. And you do not have to mail everyone; just try to brand yourself by targeting niche communities. The press release should be simple and straightforward. You can even have it down at home with your personal stationery and printer. Try not to launch a marketing overkill by talking about your business and wonderful products or services. Spend time highlighting the upcoming events in your area like concerts, sports and plays. Do not forget to include your name, business, website and contact details where everyone can see.
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